How to flash Nokia Lumia Phones (Windows Phones)

1. Browse to and choose your phone model. (eg: RM-974)

2. Next, choose a flash file you would like to download.

3. Click the link directly under List of Firmware - Click to download. (02040.00021.15235.30005 - OS 8.10.14226.359)

4. Among the files listed on the rightcorner, download only FFU file which is marked with a red cercle.

5. Now download wpinternals flash tool from here. Install and launch it then click Flash.

6. In Flash original FFU, click Select the FFU-file to flash to the phone...

7. Browse to the flash file you downloaded then insert it and after that connect your phone to the PC.

8. Press Flash FFU image.

9. Now, your phone is being flashed so wait untill flash process is omplete.

10. As soon as you get a Flash successful message, your phone reboots automatically then disconnect it and enjoy.

- You may also downlaod flash file for yourphone using wpinternals which detects available firmware by itself. just follow the steps below:

* Download -> Search -> Select flash file -> Download selected and firmware is being downloaded as shown above in Current downloading.

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